Tuesday, 22 January 2019

How to Make Online Money from Website

Making online money is everyone’s dream as the online money or business does not requires a lot of effort and is easy money but this is a big misconception that people have. Online money is not a one day hit project you have but it is an hours of hard work put into the website. Website is an asset that builds you money only if you invest your time and hard work into it. That being said let’s see what we can do in order to make money online. There are lots of businesses that can be done online-

E-Commerce Business

E-Commerce business is the biggest business in the online world. Much business which is selling offline turned online to increase their customer accessibility. In India, the e-commerce websites account to be 30% which has a room of 70% increase therefore, getting a online E-Commerce business can make you very good amount of money.


Blogging is another niche that is used by many people to earn money online. The money that is earned by a blogger is mostly by posting Google Ads in the website pages and Google Adsence will provide the website owner with money for the ads. Another major income source of a blogger is the Affiliate Marketing which helps the website visitors by recommending variety of products and getting commission if the website visitor buys the product.

Social Media Influencer

Social Media Influencer is those people who have a big Social Media Pages with millions of Subscribers or millions of visitors. As the name suggests influencers are those who use a product or service and recommends their subscribers to use the same product, the companies who approached the Influencer will pay for the promotion they did. This requires a lot of effort as increasing the audience is not easy it requires time and a little luck.


Youtube is a big hit from the past few years the stats show that Youtube is 2nd most searched Engine in the world. The youtube community has increased to millions of content creators. Youtube content creators earn money from displaying ads to the viewers.

What you need?

All these Online Money making ideas need dedication and consistency then only you can earn money online. Lot of people start the website or youtube channel but fails because they have no consistency and dedication to succeed. To get this you need a plan that can help you to guide yourself. And most of all to start making money online you need a website that can help you in making your online business expand. iConnect Solutions is a company of website designing in Delhi that has been helping the online business like you in all aspects like Digital Marketing, SEO etc. you can avail the website services to make your business grow.

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

How to Make Your Wordpress Website Fast

Wordpress in the most used CMS platform for Website designing and development. Wordpress provides all the necessary needs in the form of plugins. This feature makes wordpress highly customizable and user friendly. When we click on the website link and it takes long time to load makes us annoyed and tend to jump back to other searches. This makes the website non user-friendly.  Making your website faster is very important as it helps in making your customer get to your content faster. Below is the list that helps you in making your wordpress website faster -

Optimize Your Website Image

Sometimes we have to upload an image that is a high definition image and the size of the image can be in MBs which can increase the loading time of the webpage therefore optimizing the website image helps the website to load faster. There are many online compressing tools used to compress the image so that its size gets reduced but the benefit of doing this is that is does not affect the quality of the image.

Simplify You Code by Compressing Your Codes

When a web browser is loading your website for the user then the web browser is reading the coding of the website and presenting the website as per the coding of the website. The web browser reads the codes line to line therefore compressing the coding of your website files will increase the website speed. There are online tools that compress the HTML, CSS and Javascript file of your website.

Enable Gzip Compression

Gzip compression also called HTTP or Browser compression reduces the website speed by proving the browser with a small size file for fast network transfer. When the file size is small then the server take less load and therefore your website becomes faster.

Clean up Your Database

Often times when we add different media to the website which over the time become not usable therefore it is best to get rid of it as it will make your website light and faster.

Uninstall Unwanted Theme and Plugins

Unwanted theme and plugin will increase the website size and in turn reduce the website performance. Therefore, it is always recommended to reduce the use of plugin and use a light theme with minimal design. This is the reason it is highly recommended to get a professional help like form iConnect Solution, a website designing company inDelhi that tackles these issues for their clients.

Use Dedicated Server

Dedicated server is a little costly but it makes your website faster as well because the server is serving your website only instead of 10 other website. This make the service performance focused towards you only and the performance of your website in turn increases.

Friday, 4 January 2019

How to Choose the Best Logo for Your Website?

Choosing a logo for your brand is very important as it help people to determine about your brand. Logos makes a brand stands out of the crowd and helps the business to establish an image among the customer and bury the competition. In this article, we are discussing about the things you need to keep in mind while designing your Brand logo as well as tools required to do so.

Types of logo

Before beginning a designing process it is important to determine what type of logo is required in a business. There are basically 4 types of logo design-
·         Emblem based-Symbolic representation of a business generally big brands do it
·         Name based- brand name is written which is used to register the name of the business in the customer mind
·         Name and Emblem Both- a sweet mix of both name and Emblem makes the best logo.
·         Mascot based- Mascot is basically an animal that is used to promote your brand like Hostgators.

Choose the Color

Choosing color is very basic part of forming a brand logo, as it is decided by our goals and what we wants to convey to our customers. When choosing a brand logo color the basic psychology of Color plays a very important role also it is always recommended that the color must be at most 2-3 not more than that to give it an elegant look. When in doubt always do for black and white.


Typography is the display of your brand name so that is becomes readable. This ensures that the name of the brand is registered in the minds of the Customer so that each time they need a service the name of the company instantly recalls due to photographic memory.

Element You Need

Element can be anything from the use of book to the use of pen in the business related to them respectively. The small addition of details can make a logo form flop to top.

Get a Professional Help

Investing in Logo is very important as it going to leave a long and lasting impression in someone’s mind therefore investment of few extra bucks can make your logo stand out. iConnect Solution is a one such company that delivers the customer not only a logo but also with a website that can make their business run fast and smooth. iConnect Solutions is a websitedesigning company in Delhi delivering the best websites at very affordable prices. So for all your business needs iConnect Solutions is a single hub that you need.